terça-feira, 2 de maio de 2023

Religion, Brain & Behavior Nº 13/2

Religion, Brain & Behavior
Nº 13/2 - 2023

Introducing a special issue on the role of moralizing gods in the evolution of socio-political complexity pp. 121-123
Peter Turchin, Harvey Whitehouse, Pieter François, Jennifer Larson 
& Alan Covey

Testing the Big Gods hypothesis with global historical data:
 a review and “retake” pp. 124-166
Harvey Whitehouse, Pieter François, Patrick E. Savage, Daniel Hoyer, Kevin C. Feeney, Enrico Cioni, Rosalind Purcell, Jennifer Larson, 
John Baines, Barend ter Haar, Alan Covey & Peter Turchin

Target Article 
Explaining the rise of moralizing religions: a test of competing hypotheses using the Seshat Databank pp. 167-194
Peter Turchin, Harvey Whitehouse, Jennifer Larson, Enrico Cioni, 
Jenny Reddish, Daniel Hoyer, Patrick E. Savage, R. Alan Covey, 
John Baines, Mark Altaweel, Eugene Anderson, Peter Bol, Eva Brandl, 
David M. Carballo, Gary Feinman, Andrey Korotayev, Nikolay Kradin,
 Jill D. Levine, Selin E. Nugent, Andrea Squitieri, Vesna Wallace 
& Pieter François

From supernatural punishment to big gods to puritanical religions: clarifying explanatory targets in the rise of moralizing religions  
pp. 195-199
Léo Fitouchi, Jean-Baptiste André & Nicolas Baumard

Data-testing competing hypotheses for beginners: how can we 
ordinary mortals wade through the mathematics of religion?  
pp. 199-202
Armin W. Geertz

Affluence, agricultural productivity, and the rise of 
moralizing religion in the ancient Mediterranean  pp. 202-206
Vojtěch Kaše & Tomáš Glomb

Missing level of analysis? pp. 206-207
E. Thomas Lawson

Coding, causality, and statistical craft: the emergence and 
evolutionary drivers of moralistic supernatural punishment 
remain unresolved  pp. 207-214
Benjamin Grant Purzycki, Theiss Bendixen 
& Aaron D. Lightner

War, “the Father of All”—including moralizing religions?
pp. 214-216
Jens Schlieter & Andrea Rota

The emergence of MSP vs. the spread of transcendentalist 
religion   pp. 216-218
Alan Strathern


Big Gods and big science: further reflections on theory, 
data, and analysis  pp. 218-231
Peter Turchin, Harvey Whitehouse, Jennifer Larson, Enrico Cioni, 
Jenny Reddish, Daniel Hoyer, Patrick E. Savage, R. Alan Covey, 
John Baines, Mark Altaweel, Eugene Anderson, Peter Bol, Eva Brandl, 
David M. Carballo, Gary Feinman, Andrey Korotayev, Nikolay Kradin, 
Jill D. Levine, Selin E. Nugent, Andrea Squitieri, Vesna Wallace 
& Pieter François

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