quarta-feira, 28 de abril de 2010

EJIHA - IX Encontro de Jovens Investigadores em História Antiga

Programa IX EJIHA 2010 - Definitivo

Um ano mais uma nova edição do já clássico, vaia a redundância, “Encuentro de Jovens Investigadores en Historia Antigua” da universidade de Complutense, uma cita e um referente para as distintas ramas dá Antiguidade: História, Archaeología, Philología, e as suas diferente áreas e contextos, do o Occidente ao Extremo Oriente, passando por um Egipto do que nunca faltam alguém

Site do: EJIHA 2010

5ª Conferenza Italiana de Ethnoarqueología


Mais Informação: ethnoarchaeology.org

sábado, 24 de abril de 2010

Cozinha da Idade do Bronze - Hidden HEritage

A arqueóloga Lorraine Bourke da NIEA (Nordert Ireland Enviorment Agency) esplica neste clip do programa Hidden Eritage uma das técnicas utilizadas na protohistoria para o cocinhado dos alimentos mostrando um dos mas antigos métodos de cozer a comida (o uso de pedras quentadas  previamente ao lume), nesta demostração prática arredor duma saborosa perna de cordeiro emvolta em... palha!.

sábado, 17 de abril de 2010

Um "simio muito Peculiar" ?

Robert Sapolsky: The uniqueness of humans ( TED.com)

O primatogo Robert Sapolsky numa interessante conferência dada em Standford na que fala de tudo aquilo no que os seres humanos e o resto dos animais nos parecemos e em  tudo aquilo -que também fazendo eles- nós -raros que somos- prefirmo-lo fazer duma maneira muito particular

Adeus "Tristes Tópicos" - uma crítica da Antropología clásica


Cambridge Archaeological Journal 20.1 2010

Research Articles  

The Return of the Rinyo-Clacton Folk? The Cultural Significance of the Grooved Ware Complex in Later Neolithic Britain
Julian Thomas, pp 1-15

Animism as a Means of Exploring Archaeological Fishing Structures on Willapa Bay, Washington, USA
Robert Losey pp 17-32

Death and Memory on the Home Front: Second World War Commemoration in the South Hams,
Devon Samuel Walls and Howard Williams, pp 49-66

Naturalism, Nature and Questions of Style in Jinsha River Rock Art, Northwest Yunnan, China
Paul S.C. Taçon, Li Gang, Yang Decong, Sally K. May, Liu Hong, Maxime Aubert, Ji Xueping, Darren Curnoe and Andy I.R. Herries, pp 67-86

Palaeolithic Art as Cultural Memory: a Case Study of the Aurignacian Art of Southwest Germany
Martin Porr, pp 87-108

Wild Nature? Human-Animal Relations on Neopalatial Crete
Andrew Shapland, pp 109-127

Early State Formation in Central Madagascar: an Archaeological Survey of Western Avaradrano, edited by Henry T. Wright, 2007. Ann Arbor (MI): University of Michigan, Museum of Anthropology. (Museum of Anthropology Memoirs 43.)
Stephanie Wynne-Jones, pp 129-130

Archaeology and the Pan-European Romanesque, by Tadhg O'Keeffe, 2007. London: Duckworth
John Moreland, pp 130-132

Prehistoric Europe: Theory and Practice, edited by Andrew Jones, 2008. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell
Robin Skeates, pp 132-133

Ancient Mesopotamia at the Dawn of Civilization: the Evolution of an Urban Landscape, by Guillermo Algaze, 2008. Chicago (IL): University of Chicago Press
Augusta McMahon, pp 134-135

A Social Archaeology of Households in Neolithic Greece: an Anthropological Approach, by Stella G. Souvatzi, 2008. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press;
Craig Cessford, pp 135-136

Rethinking Celtic Art, edited by Duncan Garrow, Chris Gosden & J.D. Hill, 2008. Oxford: Oxbow Books
Ian Armit, pp 137-138

Social Violence in the Prehispanic American Southwest, edited by Deborah L. Nichols & Patricia L. Crown, 2008. Tucson (AZ): The University of Arizona Press
Christopher J. Knüsel, pp 138-141

Collaborating at the Trowel's Edge: Teaching and Learning in Indigenous Archaeology, edited by Stephen W. Silliman, with a foreword by Larry J. Zimmerman, 2008. Tucson (AZ): University of Arizona Press
Patricia E. Rubertone, pp 142-143

The Disappearance of Writing Systems: Perspectives on Literacy and Communication, edited by John Baines, John Bennet & Stephen Houston, 2008. London: Equinox Publishing
C.W. Shelmerdine, pp 143-145

Europe's Lost World: the Rediscovery of Doggerland, by Vince Gaffney, Simon Fitch & David Smith, 2009. York: Council for British Archaeology. (CBA Research Report 160.)
Geoff Bailey, pp 145-146

The Scioto Hopewell and Their Neighbors: Bioarchaeological Documentation and Cultural Understanding, by D. Troy Case & Christopher Carr, with contributions by Cheryl A. Johnston, Beau Goldstein, Rex Weeks, Mark Bahti, Rebekah A. Zinser & Ashley E. Evans, 2008. New York (NY): Springer
Douglas K. Charles, pp 146-148

-New World Angst and the Historical Archaeology of Modernity An Archaeology of Southwest Ireland 1570–1670, by Colin Breen, 2007. Dublin: Four Courts Press

-The Archaeology of Improvement in Britain, 1750–1850, by Sarah Tarlow, 2007. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

-Historical Archaeology: Why the Past Matters, by Barbara Little, 2007. Walnut Creek (CA): Left Coast Press

-The Archaeology of Race and Racialization in North America, by Charles E. Orser Jr, 2007. Gainesville (FL): University Press of Florida
-The Archaeology of Collective Action, by Dean Saitta, 2007. Gainesville (FL): University Press of Florida

-A Fearsome Heritage: Diverse Legacies of the Cold War, edited by John Schofield & Wayne Cocroft, 2007. Walnut Creek (CA): Left Coast Press

-The Cambridge Companion to Historical Archaeology, edited by Dan Hicks & Mary Beaudry, 2006. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Tadhg O'Keeffe, pp 148-154