segunda-feira, 26 de agosto de 2024

Volga River Region Archaeology Nº 2/48 - 2024

The Volga River Region Archaeology 

Nº 2/48 - 2024


Studies of the medieval settlements 
material culture in Eurasia

Bracelets of the Romny culture population 
pp. 8–25
Enukov V.V.

The results of the study of mass ceramics from 
the excavations at the medieval fortified 
settlement of Ken-Bulun in 2022 (Chui Valley, 
Kyrgyzstan) pp. 26–42
Kuklina A.A., Kolchenko V.A.

Agricultural implements of medieval Novgorod: 
systematization, chronology pp. 43–60
Volgina N.D.

Study of cast iron pots and slags from Salovka I 
settlement pp. 61–67
Vinnichek V.A., Vinnichek K.M. 

Features of the pottery assemblage of the XIII–XIV 
centuries from excavations of the Syukeyevsky 
Vzvoz II Campsite medieval sediments pp. 68–83
Orudzhov E.I., Kuklina A.A., Baranov V.S. 

“Temple” at the Baba-ata fortifi ed settlement, 
a monument of fallacies pp. 84–110
Baitanayev B.A., Baitanayev E.B.

The medIeval Dashbulag settlement pp. 111–125
Najafov Sh.N., Huseynov M.M., Jalilov B.M.

To the issue of the historical topography of Otrartobe 
pp. 126–140
Zheleznyakov B.A.

Fortified settlements of the XII–XIV centuries in 
the European Northeast. Pozheg hillfort 
(reconstruction experience) pp. 141–153
Klenov M.V. 

Architectural decoration of the mausoleum no. 1 
of the khan necropolis nearby the village of 
Lapas in the Astrakhan region pp. 154–174
Pigarev E.M., Sitdikov A.G.

Gorodni in Siberia and the Far East in the late 
XVI–XVII centuries pp. 175–190
Gorokhov S.V. 

Burial rite of the population of the Eurasian steppes

Karshi-Bair burial ground in Southwestern Crimea 
(results of the study and general characteristics) 
pp. 191–204
Ushakov S.V.

Medieval burials of Taldinskiy-1 burial ground 
pp. 205–217
Dmitriev Ye.A., Kasenalin A.Ye., Kukushkin A.I.

Burial rite of the population of the Golden Horde 
city of Madjar: problems of study and 
debatable issues pp. 218–231
Babenko V.A.

Burials of the XIII–XIV centuries in the Egiin-Gol 
river valley (Northern Mongolia): burial rite features 
pp. 232–247
Kharinskii A.V.

Descarregar o número da revista: Поволжская Aрхеология

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