quinta-feira, 8 de agosto de 2024

Documenta Praehistorica Nº 51 - 2024

Documenta Praehistorica 

Nº 51 - 2024


In Search of Messianic Time
Sašo Jerše

The long and winding road. Object biographies and 
cultural encounters in the Western Mediterranean 
during the Late Iron Age
Laura Perelló Mateo, Bartomeu Llull Estarellas, 
Daniel Albero Santacreu, Jaume García Rosselló, 
Manuel Calvo Trias

Tracing social inequalities in the Early Iron Age. 
A multiproxy approach from Punta de Muros 
(NW Iberia, Spain)
Samuel Nión-Álvarez

Pottery vessels, technological knowledge, and potters 
at the Early Copper Age site of Polgár-Király-ér-part 
(Northeastern Hungary)
Eszter Solnay, Márton Szilágyi

Lithic production and the use of siliceous raw material 
in the Neolithic of Istria, Croatia. A case study from 
Kargadur and Vižula
Katarina Šprem

Backed pieces at Sharbithat SHA-10 (Sultanate of Oman). 
Technological issues and chronological assessment
Maria Pia Maiorano, Grégor Marchand, 
Jérémie Vosges, Vincent Charpentier

Rhyta and kernoi from the Domasław cemetery. 
The idea of offerings in the Hallstatt period
Anna Józefowska, Angelina Rosiak, 
Małgorzata Markiewicz, Joanna Sekulska-Nalewajko, 
Jarosław Gocławski, Joanna Kałużna-Czaplińska

A multi-embankment Chalcolithic walled enclosure. 
New insights from the usage of remote sensingin 
archaeological surveys (Ota, Western Portugal)
André Texugo, Ana Catarina Basílio, Pedro Pina, 
Gabriel Goyanes, Gonçalo Vieira

Born again. Multiple biographies of ground and 
abrasive stone tools in the Neolithic of Serbia
Dragana Antonović, Vidan Dimić

First insights into the Mesolithic settlement of Southern 
Serbia. Excavation of the Pešterija Cave in the 
Ponišavlje Region
Dušan Mihailović, Ivana Živaljević, Vesna Dimitrijević, 
Sofija Dragosavac, Danilo Pajović, Anđa Petrović, 
Katarina Bogićević, Dragana Đurić, Mirela Djurović, 
Steven Kuhn, Mirjana Roksandic

Investigating the pottery firing techniques in western Slovenia 
during the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages using FTIR 
and petrographic analysis
Manca Vinazza, Petros Chatzimpaloglou

The beginning of the Neolithic in the central Balkans. 
Knowns and unknowns
Marko Porčić

Dwelling architecture and flexible land-use strategies 
in the Prehispanic Sierras de Córdoba, Argentina
Matías E. Medina, Gisela Sario, Andrea Recalde, 
Sebastián Pastor, Eduardo E. Berberián

Late Upper Palaeolithic ornaments from Vlakno cave, Croatia
Barbara Cvitkušić, Emanuela Cristiani, Dario Vujević

The process of neolithization and consequent 
changes in the region of Istanbul
Mehmet Özdoğan

Beyond the sum. Evaluating the potential and limitations 
of analysing Neolithic population dynamics based on 
fluctuations in radiocarbon dates and sites 
(Scheldt basin, Northern France and Belgium)
Elliot Van Maldegem, Florian Lauryssen, 
Erik Smolders, Philippe Crombé

Dolsko – Spodnje Škovce and a new insight into the settlement, chronology, ceramic style(s), and subsistence strategies 
of the Late Neolithic Sava group in Slovenia
Bine Kramberger, Borut Toškan, Tjaša Tolar

Inspired individuals and charismatic leaders.
 Hunter-gatherer crisis and the rise and fall 
of invisible decision-makers at Göbeklitepe
Lee Clare

New insights into the funeral practices of the Vučedol 
culture from the example of Grave no. 5, Vučedol 
– Cornfield Streim site
Danijela Roksandić Vukadin, 
Zdravka Hincak, Daris, Slavica Bošnjak

Cataloguing and mapping the Linear Band 
Pottery sites in Ukraine
Dmytro Haskevych

Kinship questions. Three sketches from the Neolithic 
of Britain and Ireland
Alasdair Whittle

Land-use and ceramics in the Andean highlands 
of Patagonia, Argentina
Fernando Franchetti, Loukas Barton, 
Clara Otaola, Miguel Giardina, ´
Nuria Sugrañes

Ir à revista:  Documenta Praehistorica Nº 51

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