sábado, 10 de agosto de 2024

Túmulos e Megalitos na Eurasia - vídeos

Welcome Session  2020 - João Caninas

Surveying the past: geomatics in the study of megaliths and tumuli - Hugo Pires

Mounds architectures: no more than heaps? - Luc Laporte

Burial Monuments and Rock Art - Luiz Oosterbeek

New data, new insights: recent developments on funerary practices, gestures, and life of late Neolithic/ Chalcolithic communities - Maria João Neve

Local and non-local raw material selection, transportation, processing and use in the construction of tumuli, megaliths, and artifacts - Telmo Pereira

Geoarchaeological and environmental assessment of megalithic mounds - Opeyemi Adewumi

Measuring the time of burial structures: searching for the oldest dates - Pedro Proença

Overview on sessions 2, 3, 11, 12 and 16 - Ana Carmona

Ways of public appreciation of megalithic monuments: from local to global" -Rüdiger Kelm

Session 13 & 15 of TME - George Nash

Funerary architectures in the Mediterranean - Paulo Félix

Monumental miscellany & Closure - Paulo Félix & Telmo Pereira

Opening Session 2021 - João Caninas

 Landscapes of the dead - Gail Higginbottom

GIS-based provenance analysis of Cabeço da Anta - Pedro Baptista

Integrating GPR geophysical prospection and UAV’s - Chã da Mourisca - Luís Gonçalves

Results of interdisciplinary searching for chamberlessmegalithic graves - Dominik Kacper

Notes on relations between the Iron Age necropolis and settlements - Katarina Dmitrovic

Claiming roots into the past - Aris Papayiannis

Decoding the Spatial Significance of the Gor River Necropsies - Carolina Cabrero

Sharing the Place of Eternal Rest and Worship - Marija Ljuština

Neolithic funerary landscape and its impact on the long term - Luciano Vilas Boas

Methods for the study of large Neolithic stone monuments in Westeren France - Luc Laporte

Variability of earthen construction techniques in tumular architecture - Wattez Julia

A Survey of Kurgan Culture in northwestern Iran - Zahra Kouzehgar

Castillejo del Bonete - Luis Benítez de Lugo

Rock Art in Levantine Dolmens - Uri Berger

The Megalithic necropolis, its connexion to the cavities with rock art - María Lazarich

Burial architecture of the Bronze Age in the Northern Black Sea - Irina Rukavishnikova

Bones and rituals a look at the remains of Dolmens I and II Murta - Alexandra Figueiredo

Buried and sometimes found The human remains from Rock Shelter 1 Carvoeira - Linda Melo

Monte do Carrascal 2 hypogea I and 2 - Maria João Neves

Clays as building materials in the dolmens of Proença a Nova - Anna Tsoupra

Using airborne lidar to detect megalithic quarries in salas council - Fernando del Cueto

Distinct lithic stone tools may be related with the construction of dolmens - Telmo Pereira

Soil Micromorphology of the Sedimentary Samples - Opeyemi Adewum

The megaliths of Menjez, Lebanon - Valerie Porra-Kuteni

Revisiting the archaeological site of Anthofyto - Ioanna Strantzali

About two analogies fixed in the kurgans of Eurasia - Parviz Gasimov

Choosing a location: Tumuli in Ukrainian landscape - Simon Radchenko

Eneolithic Sanctuary of Bakshai in the Southern Urals - Yanina Rafikova

Megaliths in the Urals - Grigoriev Stanislav

Yamnaya culture stone circles from the Lower Don region - Natalia Shishlina

 The Megaliths of Lampung Indonesia - Rusyanti

A study on table type dolmens of Manchuria and the Korean Peninsula - Woo Jang-Mun

Characteristics and Distribution of Dolmen in the Jordan River - Lee Heon Jai

Diffusion or Domestic development? - Kazutaka Kawano

Recent Perspectives in the Study of Megalithic Culture in South India - K P Rao

The Megalithic Traditions in Manipur An Ethnoarchaeological Study - Potshangbam Binodini

The Dolmens of North Korea - The peculiar structure - Ha Moonsig

From Rogem Hiri to Stonehenge - Yitzhak Paz

Mound structures in the Neolithic necropolis of Pranu Muttedu Goni - Liliana Spanneda

The Early Iron Age tumular necropolis at Anavlochos - Florence Gaignerot-Driessen

Tumuli and peristaliths in prehistoric Sardinia - Riccardo Cicilloni

Tumuli in Early Iron Age Greece - Anne-Zahra Chemsseddoha

Tumular Tombs and Graves of Thracian Aristocrats - Diana Dimitrova

All different, all the same - Leonor Rocha

Beyond landscape domination why cognition is also out there - Denise Lima

The importance of geographical information systems - Luísa Teixeira

The rise of monumentality in Eastern Amazonia - João Saldanha

Philippine Boat shaped Burial Markers A Review - Dorothy Parungao

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