quinta-feira, 30 de março de 2023

Pré-história e Evolução do Parentesco

Murdock and Goody revisited
 (Pre)History and Evolution of Family Systems

Cross-Cultural Research
 Nº 51/ 2-3 - 2017   



Editors’ Introduction: Murdock and Goody Revisited pp. 79–91
Patrick Heady, Mikołaj Szołtysek

Insights From Evolutionary Anthropology on the (Pre)history 
of the Nuclear Family  pp. 92–116
Laura Fortunato

Omaha Terminologies: Global Distribution Patterns and 
How They May Have Come About pp. 117–141
Günther Schlee

Blood is Thicker Than Water: Geography and the Dispersal of 
Family Characteristics Across the Globe pp. 142–171
Sarah Carmichael, Auke Rijpma

Kinship and Social Archaeology pp. 172–195
Stella Souvatzi

Testing Ethnological Theories on Prehistoric Kinship pp. 199–227
Bradley E. Ensor

The Patriarchy Index: A New Measure of Gender and Generational Inequalities in the Past pp. 228–262
Mikołaj Szołtysek, Sebastian Klüsener, Radosław Poniat, 
Siegfried Gruber

Asymmetric Caregiving by Grandparents, Aunts, and Uncles and the Theories of Kin Selection and Paternity Certainty: How Does Evolution Explain Human Behavior Toward Close Relatives? pp. 263–284
Alexander Pashos

A “Cognition and Practice” Approach to an Aspect of European 
Kinship pp. 285–310
Patrick Heady

+INFO no site da revista: Cross-Cultural Research 51/2 & 3

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