TRAJ Nº 7 - 2024
Research Articles
Exotics for Entertainment: A Reconstruction
of the Roman Exotic Beast Trade (First
to Third Centuries A.D)
Jordon Alex Houston
Animal Offerings in Ritual, Economic
and Social Contexts in Britannia
David Roberts & Clare Rainsford
Data Quality and Bias in the Coin Hoards of the
Roman Empire Database:
A Logistic Regression Analysis
Philip Rademacher
Book Reviews
Moser, Claudia. 2019. The Altars of Republican Rome
and Latium: Sacrifice and the Materiality of Roman Religion. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; Moser, Claudia. 2019.
The Altars of Republican Rome and Latium: Sacrifice and the
Materiality of Roman Religion. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press
Csaba Szabó
Gordon, Donald, Fraser Hunter and Phil Freeman (eds). 2023.
Revealing Trimontium: The Correspondence of James Curle
of Melrose, Excavator of Newstead Roman Fort. Oxford:
Archaeopress; Gordon, Donald, Fraser Hunter
& Phil Freeman (eds). 2023. Revealing Trimontium:
The Correspondence of James Curle of Melrose,
Excavator of Newstead Roman Fort.
Oxford: Archaeopress
Martha Stewart
Sebastiani, Alessandro. 2023. Ancient Rome and
the Modern Italian State. Ideological Placemaking,
Archaeology, and Architecture, 1870–1945.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Massimiliano Munzi
Zarmakoupi, Mantha. 2023. Shaping Roman Landscape:
Ecocritical Approaches to Architecture and
Wall Painting in Early Imperial Italy.
Los Angeles: Getty Publications
Rachel M. Foulk
Mattingly, David J. 2023. Between Sahara and Sea:
Africa in the Roman Empire. Ann Arbor:
University of Michigan Press
Richard Hingley
Launaro, Alessandro and Martin Millett. 2023.
Interamna Lirenas: A Roman town in Central
Italy revealed. McDonald Institute Monographs.
Cambridge: McDonald Institute for
Archaeological Research
Allison Smith
Machado, Carlos, Rowan Munnery & Rebecca J. Sweetman (eds).
2024. Lived Spaces in Late Antiquity. Abingdon: Routledge
Jacopo Dolci
Alberti, Marta and Katie Mountain (eds). 2022. Hadrian’s Wall: Exploring Its Past to Protect Its Future. Archaeopress Roman Archaeology 90. Oxford: Archaeopress
Sarah May
Bernard, Seth, Lisa Marie Mignone & Dan-el Padilla Peralta (eds).
2023. Making the Middle Republic. New Approaches to Rome
and Italy, c. 400–200 BCE. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press
Gijs Willem Tol
Kim, Hyun Jin, Samuel N.C. Lieu & Raoul McLaughlin.
2021. Rome and China: Points of Contact.
London: Routledge
Matthew A. Cobb
Bavuso, Irene, Guido Furlan, Emanuele E. Intagliata &
Julia Steding (eds). 2023. Economic Circularity
in the Roman and Early Medieval Worlds:
New Perspectives on Invisible Agents
and Dynamics. Oxford: Oxbow Books
Tyler Duane Johnson
Basile, Salvatore. 2023. Lucca Romana e Tardoantica.
Analisi spaziali e modelli computazionali per lo
studio dei paesaggi urbani e rurali. BAR International
Series 3152. Oxford: BAR Publishing
Michele Abballe
Ladle, Lilian. 2022. The Rise and Decline of Druce
Farm Roman Villa (60–650 CE). Excavations 2012–2018.
BAR British Series 676. Archaeology of Roman
Britain Volume 8. Oxford: BAR Publishing
Alex Smith
Laurence, Ray and Francisco Trifilò. 2023.
Mediterranean Timescapes: Chronological Age
and Cultural Practice in the Roman Empire.
London: Routledge
Andrew M. Riggsby
Misic, Blanka and Abigail Graham (eds). 2024. Senses,
Cognition, and Ritual Experience in the Roman World.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Charlotte Spence
Marzano, Annalisa. 2022. Plants, Politics and Empire
in Ancient Rome. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Andrew Fox
Leach, Nathan, Daniel Charles Smith and Tony Keddie (eds).
2024. Revelation and Material Religion in the Roman East.
Essays in Honor of Steven J. Friesen. Routledge
Monographs in Classical Studies. London: Routledge
Constanze Graml
Fernández-Götz, Manuel and Nico Roymans. 2024. Archaeology
of the Roman Conquest: Tracing the Legions, Reclaiming
the Conquered. Cambridge Elements in the
Archaeology of Europe. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press
Al McCluskey
Visonà, Paolo (ed.). 2023. Un insediamento di età romana
dimenticato nel tempo. Rinvenimenti e ricerche
archeologiche a Tezze di Arzignano e nella vallata
dell'Agno-Guà (Vicenza). Archaeopress Roman
Archaeology 109. Oxford: Archaeopress
Edoardo Vanni
Fox, Andrew. 2023. Trees in Ancient Rome: Growing
an Empire in the Late Republic and Early Principate.
Ancient Environments. London: Bloomsbury
Giulia Caneva
Trapero Fernández, Pedro and André Carneiro. 2023.
GIS Applications in Roman Landscape and Territory.
Methodologies and models in Hispania. BAR International
Series 3139. Oxford: BAR Publishing
José M. Costa-García
McKie, Stuart. 2023. Living and Cursing in the Roman West:
Curse Tablets and Society. London: Bloomsbury
Madeline Line
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