Nº 69 - 2024
From the Editors pp. 7-9
Magdalena Bis
Organic or mineral? The soft hammer technique
in the Late Palaeolithic at selected sites
in Western Pomerania pp. 11-41
Michał Adamczyk,
Marta Chmiel-Chrzanowska
Prehistoric quarrying in the Jizerské
hory mountains pp. 43–68
Pavel Burgert, Petr Šída,
František Trampota, Václav Kachlík,
Antonín Přichystal
Main strategies of the food economy of communities
of the so-called Lusatian culture
in the Odra and Vistula river basins
summary of the current state
of knowledge pp. 69–124
Joanna Urban
Antoninianus of Trebonianus Gallus from the
cemetery of the society of the Wielbark culture
in Weklice in the context of other monetary
findings from Barbaricum pp. 125-150
Vital Sidarovich, Marek Baczewski,
Magdalena Natuniewicz-Sekuła
Climate fluctuation in the 3rd century BC – 5th century AD
and their impact on human-environment relations:
selected examples from southern Poland pp. 151-176
Halina Dobrzańska, Tomasz Kalicki
Hoard of early medieval silver ingots (grivnas)
from Bużyska, near Drohiczyn pp. 177-203
Mieczysław Bienia, Grzegorz Śnieżko
Józef Łepkowski (1826–1894) and the beginnings
of Polish university archaeology pp. 205–238
Marzena Woźny
The German Margarete defensive line from World War II
in southwestern Slovakia. Archaeological
evidence and historical facts pp. 239–262
Pavol Šteiner, Jozef Kónya
Kalina Skóra, Suicide in early Germanic
communities, Łódź 2022 pp. 263-271
Leszek P. Słupecki
Magdalena Natuniewicz-Sekuła, Marek Baczewski,
Weklice. A cemetery of the Wielbark culture
on the eastern margin of the Vistula Delta
(excavations 2005–2018), Warsaw 2023
pp. 272–277
Barbara Niezabitowska-Wiśniewska
Descarregar a revista: Archeologia Polski Nº 69 - 2024
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