quarta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2025

Archaeologiai Értesítő Nº 149/1 - 2024


Nº 149/1 - 2024


Non-destructive investigations at Neolithic 
tell-centered settlement complexes on the 
Great Hungarian Plain: A case study 
from Battonya-Parázs-tanya pp. 1-20
János Győri, Attila Gyucha, 
Bence Szalma, Elemér Szalma, 
Máté Stibrányi, Mihály Pethe, 
Klára Pusztainé Fischl

On the emergence and formation of the 
Early Christian mortuary tradition:
 Insights from a research project pp. 21-46
Ádám Bollók

Some thoughts on the interpretation of the 
graves with an end-wall shaft pp. 47-62
Bence Gulyás

Prolegomena to the study of the early medieval 
steppe: Dispositions and difficulties pp.  63-81
Csanád Bálint

A Middle Palaeolithic workshop at Andornaktálya-Marinka 
site (Northeast Hungary) pp. 83-103
Dalma Kerekes, Ferenc Cserpák, 
Zsolt Mester

The cemetery of the Gáta–Wieselburg Culture and 
its remarkable graves from the site of Nagycenk 
Farkasverem (Western Hungary) pp. 105-134
Eszter Melis, Bálint Savanyú, 
Tamás Hajdu, Anett Gémes, 
Katalin Gyenesei, Attila Mrenka

Ein Hortfund aus der Koszider-Periode im 
Bükk Gebirge Mittelbronzezeitliche Metallfunde 
von Dédestapolcsány Verebce-bérc pp. 135-155
Eszter Fejér

Boat-shaped fibulae from the Early Iron Age 
sites of Érd and Százhalombatta pp. 157-167
Máté Tóth-Vásárhelyi

A rare Sarmatian coin imitation in lead from 
a grave at Hódmezővásárhely pp. 169-176
Lajos Juhász

A caricaturistic portrait of Ovid from Brigetio 
(Komárom/Szőny, Hungary) pp. 177-186
Dávid Bartus, László Borhy

Unpublished antefixes and a mould fragment 
from Brigetio in the collection of the 
Hungarian National Museum pp. 187-207
Linda Dobosi, Tamás Szabadváry

Two new stone casket graves from the late 
Roman cemetery of Ulcisia (Szentendre, 
Hungary) pp. 209-242
Anikó Bózsa, Csilla Sáró, 
Zsofia Kelemen

The Granary of the Late Roman Fortress 
at Ságvár: Building I pp. 243-268
Endre Tóth, Friderika Horváth

Hun Period Elite Burial from Budapest, in the shadow 
of a Late Roman fort wall: Bioarchaeological 
Data on the Early Phase of Hun Occupation 
in the Carpathian Basin pp. 269-291
Boglárka Mészáros, Attila Türk, 
Balázs Gusztáv Mende, Balázs Gyuris, 
Botond István Heltai, 
Anna Szécsényi-Nagy

New data on the archaeological chronology of the 
Hungarian Conquest Period and the 10th century 
dirham circulation in Eastern Europe: The exact 
identification of the dirham find at Tiszacsoma 
Grave 3 pp. 293-300
Suleman AL Halabi, Attila Türk,
Igor Prohnenko

Changes in archery equipment in Eurasia in the 
9–10th centuries in the light of experimental 
archaeological data: Further perspectives 
for study through archaeological 
research and observation pp. 301-311
Attila Türk, Ákos Sándor Wilhelm, 
Sándor Paku

The gallows in Holíč (Skalica district, Slovakia) 
archaeological research and virtual 
reconstruction pp. 313-334
Daniel Bešina, Stanislava Bönde Gogová, 
Pavol Šteiner

Microregional archaeological topographical 
research in the Tiszazug, Eastern Hungary: 
Aims of the research, methodological 
background, and results of the first year 
pp. 335-371
Gábor Mesterházy, András Füzesi

Remarks on the methodological possibilities for 
the typological analysis of Avar and Hungarian 
Conquest period glass beads pp. 373-386
Réka Fülöp

Szabó Miklós (1940–2023) 
pp. 387-390
László Borhy

Végh András (1964–2024) 
pp. 391-392
Miklós Takács

Ir ao número da revista: Archaeologiai Értesítő Nº 149/1

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