domingo, 26 de janeiro de 2025

Arqueologia e Etnografia do Norte da Eurásia

Archaeology and Ethnography of Northers Eurasia 

Ural Historical Journal

Уральский исторический вестник

Nº 3/84 - 2024
Dymamics of neolithic cultures of Baikal-Yenisei 
Siberia in the context of Stone Age of Northern 
Asia and neighboring territories pp. 6-20
Berdnikov Ivan M., Sokolova Natalia B.

The Early Neolithic of the Lower Ishim region in 
the context of the neolithization of the mountain 
forest and forest-steppe zones of Trans-Ural 
and Western Siberia pp. 21-33
Enshin Dmitry N., Skochina Svetlana N.,
Ilyushina Viktoria V.

Makhanjar culture in the context of 
transcultural interactions pp. 34-45
Shevnina Irinа V.

The Taiga zone neolithic of Western 
Siberia: Main results pp. 46-60
Dubovtseva Ekaterina N., Kosinskaya Lyubov L.
Chairkina Natalia M., Klementieva Tatiana Yu.
Pogodin Andrey A.

Funeral practices of Final Bronze Age in the Southern 
Trans-Urals: Between cultural norm and deviation 
pp. 61-70
Kiseleva Darya V., Epimakhov Andrey V.
Ankusheva Polina S., Batanina Natalya S.
Bukacheva Anastasiya O., Vasyuchkov Egor O.
Makurov Yuri S., Khokhlov Alexandr A.

Jinshan 金山 - The tugu turks ancestral home: 
The localization problem pp. 71-79
Kubarev Gleb V.

Theories of ethnogenesis as scientific heritage:
The case of the academic history of Yugra 
pp. 80-89
Golovnev Andrei V.

Ir ao número da revista: Ural Historical Journal Nº 3/84 - 2024

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