quinta-feira, 4 de julho de 2024

Ethnographisch-Archaeologische Zeitschrift Nº 57

Ethnographisch-Archaeologische Zeitschrift 

Nº 57 - 2023

Boas Talks Proceedings. Scientific colloquium commemorating the 140th anniversary of Franz Boas's doctorate at Kiel University. University of Kiel, 18-21 November 2021


Editorial: A Space for Difference

Research papers

Franz Boas: Between Anti-Racism and Reification
Susan Pollock, Reinhard Bernbeck

Decolonizing Archaeological Practice in Northeast India: 
Views from the Community Archaeology Initiatives in Nagaland
Tiatoshi Jamir

Narratives, Concepts and Data: The Relevance of 
Franz Boas’s Research Perspective for European Archaeology
Martin Furholt

Pottery Production among the Phom of Nagaland
Ditamulü Vasa

On the Changeful History of Franz Boas’s Concept 
of Cultural Relativism
Hans Peter Hahn

Franz Boas Refracted Through His Local Collaborators: 
A Legacy with Implications for Collaborative Archaeologies
Bill Angelbeck

Experimental section

Teaching Anthropology: Remarks from a German Perspective
Stefanie Samida

Book reviews and Annotations

Cornelia Essner. Schädel, Steine und Studenten: 
Der vielschichtige Anthropologe Felix von Luschan 
(1854-1924), Berlin, Vergangenheitsverlag 2023
Nils Seethaler

Reflections on Franz Boas’s Anthropology and Modern Life
Martin Porr

Ir ao número da revista: EAZ Nº 57 - 2023

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