segunda-feira, 15 de julho de 2024

Acta Archaeologica Nº 75/ 1 - 2024

Acta Archaeologica 
Scientiarum Hungaricae

Nº 75/ 12024


Archaeometric analysis of the metal ornamentation 
of Late Bronze Age vessels and funnel-shaped 
pendants from the south-western Transdanubia 
pp. 1–18
Katalin Jankovits , Zoltán Szőkefalvi-Nagy, 
& Imre Kovács

Pannonian women's headwear-related accessories 
pp. 19–41
Csilla Sáró 

Roman glass bowls from Intercisa pp. 43–72
Kata Dévai 

The architectural parallels of the mausoleum of Iovia 
(Pannonia) revisited – Experimenting with the 
hexagon in late antique architecture pp. 73–95
Linda Dobosi 

Recent research on Roman Pannonia and 
Pavel Oliva pp. 97–105
Péter Kovács 

The investigation of ninth–eleventh century burials 
from Himod (NW Hungary) Physical anthropology 
data in the light of artifact typology pp. 107–158
Piroska Rácz  and Péter Langó 


Additional notes on a new book about the 
Western Roman Empire in the 5th century: 
Timo Stickler and Umberto Roberto (Hrsg.), 
Weströmische  Reich und seine Erforschung. 
Neue Perspektiven. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 2024 
pp. 159–165
Péter Kovács 


Miklós Szabó (1940–2023) pp. 167–186
László Borhy 

Book Reviews

Ascalone, Enrico, Bronze Age weights from 
Mesopotamia, Iran & Greater Indus Valley 
pp. 187–189
Rita Tuna 

Lochner, Michaela (Hrsg.), Brandbestattung und 
Bronzemetallurgie. Die Urnenfelderkultur in 
Niederösterreich (1300–800 v. Chr.) pp. 191–195
Gábor Váczi 

Ir ao número da revista: Acta Archaeologica Nº 75/1

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