domingo, 29 de setembro de 2024

Praehistorische Zeitschrift Nº 99/2 - 2024

Praehistorische Zeitschrift 

Nº 99/2 - 2024


An experimental approach to the study of amber processing 
in the Neolithic: technical analysis of the Siliņupe amber 
assemblage, 4th mill. BC, Latvia pp. 459-478
Agnese Čakare

Six feet under – the Funnel Beaker megalithic 
graves under the Ahlen-Falkenberger Moor, 
Germany pp. 479-528
Anja Behrens, Moritz Mennenga, Steffen Wolters, 
Annette Siegmüller, Martina Karle, Piere Leon Frederiks

Mortuary palisades, single graves and cultural admixture: 
The establishment of Corded Ware culture on the 
Jutland Peninsula pp. 529-590
Simon K. Nielsen, Niels N. Johannsen

From the source to the sea − A regional study of Bronze 
Age depositions from eastern Funen, Denmark pp. 591-654
Lise Frost, Malene Refshauge Beck

The Evil Twin: Older Bronze Age Ceramic Typology 
of the Nordic Circle pp. 655-678
Stefanie Schaefer-Di Maida

Votive, Spielzeug, Gussformen, oder …? Zu den bronzezeitlichen Miniaturgefäßen in Istrien (Kroatien) pp. 679-701
Anja Hellmuth Kramberger

Exploring the chronostratigraphy of a Bronze Age 
settlement through core drilling pp. 702-733
Marian Adrian Lie, Alexandra Găvan, 
Tobias L. Kienlin, Astrid Röpke, 
Mirijam Zickel, Tanja Zerl

Inside or outside the house? On the spatial organisation 
of plant-related activities at the Late Bronze Age 
settlement of Dobbin 27, northern Germany pp.734-746
Merle Oelbüttel, Dragana Filipović, 
Jutta Kneisel, Wiebke Kirleis

A View to a Kilt – The Late Bronze Age Aegean Costume 
in the Context of Social and Cultural Changes pp. 747-781
Filip Franković

Where are the missing boatyards? Steaming pits 
as boat building sites in the Nordic Bronze Age 
pp. 782-807
Johan Ling, Mikael Fauvelle, Knut Ivar Austvoll, 
Boel Bengtsson, Linn Nordvall, Christian Horn


Ein Nachruf auf Prof. Dr. Otto-Herman Frey (1.9.1929–4.4.2023) 
aus Sicht der slowenischen Archäologie pp. 808-812
Mitja Guštin

Ir ao número da revista: Praehistorische Zeitschrift Nº 99/2

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