Blog sobre arqueologia, etnologia e etnografia histórica desde uma perspetiva multidisciplinar e com especial interesse pola Proto-história e História Antiga da Europa Ocidental
Baba - Last sheaf of wheat
Among Slavs, the last sheaf of wheat was commonly called Baba. This word
means grandmother, mother, midwife, birth giver...In some places the woman
=========================================================== LEGENDA
=========================================================== A Tour of
Ancient Rome’s Be...
Génomes anciens en Afrique du nord
Sur la côte Méditerranéenne de l'Europe, la transition néolithique se
caractérise par la migration de populations venues d'Anatolie qui ont
atteint la pé...
EU Must Trim Welfare to Fund Warfare
Michael Hudson & Richard Wolff reveal the EU's plight, with desperate
leaders throwing their people to the sword. For what?
The post EU Must Trim Welfare ...
49 petites histoires dans l’histoire de l’Antiquité
CHAMUSSY (C.) et PACOTTE (L.), 49 petites histoires dans l’histoire de
l’Antiquité – Louvain-la-Neuve : De Boeck Supérieur, 2023. – 191 p. – ISBN
: 978-2-8...
Body of head found in 1927 discovered at Angkor
The body of a Buddha statue whose head was found in 1927 has been unearthed
at the Angkor temple complex in Cambodia. Archaeologists discovered the
statue ...
El nacimiento virginal de Jesús.
Entre mis lecturas "ligeras" figuran libros sobre el Jesús histórico, fruto
de mis primeros años de carrera. La verdad es que es fascinante la
Rethinking Analytical Sociology
My current book *Rethinking Analytical Sociology* has now appeared in
print. The book is intended to provide a sympathetic but critical review of
Battle of Reims 1814
Salvete Omnes,
on the 13th of this month it passed another anniversary of the battle of
Reims, one of the battles during the 1814 campaign of France.
Circa 50 BCE, Marcellinus struck coins honoring his ancestor, Marcus
Claudius Marcellus, victor over Viridomarus and conqueror of Syracuse..
460 - Cinábrio / Cinnabar
Hoje estendida a vários outros contextos peninsulares, a investigação sobre
a contaminação humana por mercúrio devido ao uso cultural do cinábrio na
Aristotle and the Animals: The Logos of Life Itself
Claudia Zatta, Aristotle and the Animals: The Logos of Life Itself (London:
Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2022). 9780367409494. Reviewed by
Charissa A....
Denkmal im Wald - Wanderausstellung in Eggolsheim
Unter Wald haben sich zahlreiche archäologische Geländedenkmäler erhalten.
In jüngerer Zeit haben die hochauflösenden digitalen Geländemodelle aus den
A look at the Sima del Elefante face
When the global timeline passed one million years ago, more than half the
span of hominin presence in Eurasia had already passed by. The earliest
Eastern Liturgical Rite(s) under Pope Innocent III
The Roman Pontiffs, over the course of the second half of the Middle Ages,
were not noteworthy for their enthusiasm for the liturgical rites of the
March Pieces Of My Mind #1
Insect hotel
- One of the very few high street bookstore businesses in Scandyland
that is making a healthy profit is the Science Fiction Book Store....
Mentres lavaba a vaixela miraba pola fiestra perdendo a vista nos prados
verdes que se extendían entre casiña e casiña e pensou que todo sería máis
Odysseus and the boar’s tusk helmet
Odysseus will soon be on the big screen as part of Christopher Nolan’s
Odyssey. Recent images released of Matt Damon as the eponymous hero
brought much ...
For the First Day of Lent: A Prayer for Tears
O God give me a well of tears to atone for my sins – I shall not hide it;
land is not fruitful without moisture, I am not holy while I remain without
a tea...
Hobart & Kneese, Radical Care
Hobart, H. J. K., & Kneese, T. (2020). Radical Care: Survival Strategies
for Uncertain Times. *Social Text*, *38*(1), 1–16.
*Why did "self care" become...
[Cartel de la muestra "Antes del latín: lenguas prerromanas en Aragón
(siglos II-I a. C.)" que puede verse, hasta mayo, en una de las sedes del Museo
What’s history got to do with it? (1)
The ‘Lessons of History’[This post basically argues three things: that the
current world crisis, rise of fascism etc cannot be attributed to
insufficient ...
Fused, melted and dripped on: Snettisham Hoard F.
by Tess Machling [A download/print PDF version can be found at the end of
the paper] (For details of all the finds referred to, please see the
recently pub...
Botswana's Independence: An In-Depth Critique
This article outlines and analyses the main socio-political and economic
policies undertaken by Botswana's government since its independence
Teil 1: Die Geschichte der Matriarchatstheorie
Die Geschichte der Matriarchatstheorie ist vielschichtig und lang. Aber
eins nach dem anderen: Was heißt Matriarchat denn eigentlich? Matriarchat
“Dead” languages… in Lego!
If you study Latin, or ancient Greek, or the ancient world in any way at
all, I bet at some point you’ve been asked why. Why study dead languages?
Why stud...
My “Dijkstra Moment” ?
I worked in the computer science department at the University of Texas as
an admin while the legendary Edsger Dijkstra was still there. I still think
Disparition du P. Joseph Irien (Job an Irien)
Parmi ses nombreux engagements, le Père Joseph Irien, *Job an Irien*, était
un membre historique du CIRDoMoC, dont il fut longtemps le trésorier : sa
G25 available again
To get your Global25 coords, please use the app HERE. The whole process
usually takes a couple of days. Feel free to spread the word. Note that the
When the Richest Man in the World Loves Classics
Elon Musk is (as of now) not only the richest man in the world but also,
thanks to President Trump’s embrace of him, one of the most politically
powerful. ...
Martin Burr Fund conference travel report: LSA 2025
Written by Kitty Liu In January 2025, I attended the annual meeting of the
Linguistics Society of America (LSA) through the generous support of
PhilSoc’s M...
Virils, les gladiateurs du XXᵉ siècle ?
Ce texte a fait l’objet d’une première publication dans le catalogue de
l’exposition Spectaculaire. Le divertissement chez les Romains, Lugdunum,
musée et ...
My 2024
The year that has just ended was personally very difficult for me. First,
in April my wife developed a very serious medical condition—it was really
Tres de clásicos por Navidad
Si alguno de vosotros tiene filohelenos en la familia, lo mejor que puede
hacer es regalarle un libro para saciar el hambre espiritual en estos
tiempos en ...
CFP: “How Sciences End”
recevied from Dr. Michelle Aroney (Magdalen College, Oxford) Dates: 11–13
July 2025 Location: University of Oxford, UK Submission deadline: 31
January 20...
Gendered species: a natural history of patriarchy
On Nov 26, 6:30pm at Radical Anthropology we are hosting Tamas
David-Barrett on his exciting recent book’Gendered Species. A natural
history of patriarchy’...
ghost in the mirror
media archaeology More than twenty years ago I discovered the daguerreotype
— one of the earliest of photographic media. Images are formed in a camera
on p...
#RealArchaeology and how to get involved in it!
Over the last three days, archaeologists have been participating in an
event to highlight great archaeological work in a variety of media –
podcasts, video...
Entrées royales et… olympiques !
Le vendredi 26 juillet 2024, la 33e édition des Jeux olympiques s’ouvrait
officiellement et solennellement par une cérémonie présentée partout comme
Tenth anniversary of the passing of Klaus Schmidt
We remember and honour Prof. Klaus Schmidt, a valued colleague and friend,
on the tenth anniversary of his passing. Klaus` dedication, profesionalism,
and ...
International Congress on Medieval Studies 2025
International Congress on Medieval Studies, May 8–10, 2025
JEMNE: Journal of Early Medieval Northwestern Europe has proposed two
sessions for the next ...
486 - Campanha de 2024
Na próxima segunda feira regressaremos aos Perdigões para iniciar a
campanha de 2024, uma vez mais na área central. Iremos dandos notícias.
Next Monda...
Transformation of Europe in April 2024 (Abstracts)
Here's some interesting abstracts from "The Transformation of Europe in
the Third Millenium BC" in Budapest, Hungary.
A lot of emphasis on the Western S...
Thank You!
Dear Readers, Over the years, some of us (the past and present members of
the collective that runs this blog) have been fortunate enough to meet some
of yo...
Citations of My Papers
Recently, I was notified by the ResearchGate about a new citation of one of
my papers. It is an article in German dedicated to the graves with bird
Lecciones de vida
Aquel año estaba viniendo especialmente malo para el tí Luiso. Encargado de
cuidar la vecera de ovejas de Ruituerto, pasó el asfixiante día de agosto
en el...
Book cover, the cover shows a monk sitting in a pew and writing. In front
of him is a book with the word Annals written in cursive. Above the monk is
the t...
Welcome to the new ADS website!
We at the ADS are excited to announce the launch of the new ADS website!
The new website will go live at 8am on Monday 6th February 2023 and
represents the...
Table of Contents
As some of you may be aware, I have not been blogging now for about 7
months and have only written a few posts even in the last year. I can't
explain wh...
Ayuda al Proyecto
El Proyecto «Monte Bernorio en su entrono» es un Proyecto de Investigación
científica financiado con dinero público proveniente de la Junta de
Castilla y L...
Dirk Obbink convicted
Just a quick update about Dirk Obbink and the missing papyri. According to
Roberta Mazza - who is also, she told me, writing her own account of what
Leibniz really was right. We’re all points of view or windows on the
universe. Or as Deleuze puts it, we’re possible worlds. The tragedy is we
think we’re ...
Summer etymologies: The Latin of Latin?
Right before Latin emerged as the dominant language on the Italian
peninsula and beyond, Etruscan was one of the major languages in the
Mediterranean. …
Appeasing the Dead
*I’m more…than just…a little curious…how you’re planning…to go about…Making
your amends…to the dead. To the dead* — A Perfect Circle, *The Noose*.
Animals in War
After a long time focussing on a new job, a new country, and developing
other parts of the website, it is finally time for another blog entry. I do
so with...
The Indo-European horses (updated)
The Indo-European word **h**₁**eḱw-o- *'horse' (Latin *equus*, Greek
*híppos*)1 has been used by defenders of the so-called Kurgan theory as
part of the...
Wednesday Round Up #61
-I’m taking at least two weeks of break, so this is the last round up for
awhile. Translating cognitive science in the public square We are at a
tipping po...
Is anthropology more important than ever?
New books in 2021 herald anthropology's relevance: is anthropology more
important than ever? Or do we need a more humble assessment?
The post Is anthropo...
Linux y discos encriptados con BitLocker
Imagen de
Hace unos días, me devolvieron un disco externo que estaba en garantía y
que envié al servicio técnico porque deb...
So, let’s start with Systematics
I’ll start with a fairly lengthy quotation, this is from the Preface to the
2002 printing: As Richard Lewontin (1974: explained to biologists shortly
Confinarchive 1 - les peuples du chaos !
*Des groupes mobiles de chasseurs-cueilleurs du Mésolithique au centre de
la Bretagne : l’abri-sous-roche de Pont-Glas à Plounéour-Ménez (Finistère)*
Au ...
The Coninie Stone
The period 400 to 600 AD was a time when Christianity, the religion of the
last Roman emperors, was gaining ground in many parts of Britain at the
expense ...
El oro de La Hermida
Como es época de regalos, qué mejor manera de celebrarlo que con uno. Y si
es de los que tienen ese brillo dorado que tanto nos fascina a los humanos
El oro de La Hermida
Como es época de regalos, qué mejor manera de celebrarlo que con uno. Y si
es de los que tienen ese brillo dorado que tanto nos fascina a los humanos
Divulgación y proyectos arqueológicos 2019
El año se va acabando y soy consicente de que este 2019 he tenido el blog
bajo mínimos. No obstante aunque hace tiempo que abandoné la cadencia de
los post...
Divulgación y proyectos arqueológicos 2019
El año se va acabando y soy consicente de que este 2019 he tenido el blog
bajo mínimos. No obstante aunque hace tiempo que abandoné la cadencia de
los post...
Doctorante contractuelle à l'Université de Paris
Courriel : > Sujet de thèse
"Les schêmata barbares en mots et en images à l'époqu...
Divergence and Reticulation in Cultural Evolution
That’s the title of my latest working paper. You can download it here:
You can continue to use
Well the Brexit deadline of 31st October came and went.
The good news is that we have found a solution that ...
Handy Field Hint: Palpate Your Own Skeleton
My somewhat battered and muddied version of The Human Bone Manual, by White
& Folkens (2005), has sadly sat unloved and unused atop of a chest of
drawers o...
Developments in Swiss glacial archaeology
Glacial archaeology in Switzerland has been on the move. And that was long
overdue! Glaciers and ice patches are melting at heart stopping rate in the
¿Existe una numerosidad innata en el género Homo?
La *numerosidad**,* entendida como la capacidad de entender, representar y
usar los números (Coolidge & Overmann, 2012), es un proceso cognitivo
A gold serpent pendant from Viking Age Denmark
This beautiful serpent pendant was recently discovered near Gørding in
The post A gold serpent pendant from Viking Age Denmark first appeared on I...
A gold serpent pendant from Viking Age Denmark
This beautiful serpent pendant was recently discovered near Gørding in
The post A gold serpent pendant from Viking Age Denmark first appeared on I...
Hod Hill, Dorset.
Hod Hill Scheduled Ancient Monument #1002678; NGR 38571106 Surveyed between
2006 – 2008 TEXT by Dave Stewart and Miles Russell...
The post Hod Hill, Dors...
CC Shorts: Jackie Murray
Elton writes… “In this second CC Short from the recent SCS conference in
San Diego, I have the pleasure of talking to Jackie Murray, Assistant
Professor of...
*Adze *Axe-like wood-working tool, but with blade at right-angles to the
handle, used with pick-like motion.
*Awl *A pointed tool of flint, bone or bronze,...
Our South Asia Gallery Journey
Originally posted on hello future:
A guest post from Stephen Welsh, Curator of Living Cultures, with an update
on the development of the Museum’s South Asi...
Opportunity to Excavate at Alconbury (Cambs)
10 DEC 18 Venue. Hill Top, off Vinegar Hill, Alconbury Weston. Access will
be v...
Hornazu, Torta, Rosco de Pascua, Torto
La ROSCA o ROSCO (también llamada HORNAZO u HORNAZU por la parte más
próxima a Campoo y TORTO en Espinosa y Mena) es un pan genuino de las
Merindades y de ...
La liberté du renard
Le yacht de luxe « Freedom » accostant à Venise (septembre 2018) Freedom,
« Liberté », ainsi s’affiche ces temps-ci en Méditerranée un yacht de luxe
The Myth of Pelagianism
*The Myth of Pelagianism* is a new book by Ali Bonner, a member of the
department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic
Pelagius is the first known British ...
The Archaeology of Mammies
Sitting in a high chair in the kitchen as a raw infant. My mother trying to
get me to focus so she could gently spoon some mashed potato into me.
Trying to...
10 Self-Help Tips from a Roman Emperor
Looking for some ancient wisdom to guide your life? Consider reading Marcus
Aurelius' Meditations.
The post 10 Self-Help Tips from a Roman Emperor appear...
It's been a long time...
I started this blog in 2008, but I haven't published any posts here in five
years. Certainly, it's been a long time. The news is that I'm currently
Civilisations Big Saturday and Other (Big) Topics
A couple of weeks ago, Manchester Museum held one of its regular Big
Saturday public events on the theme of civilisations. Intended to tie-in
with the BBC ...
Tracing Viking loot
During the ninth century, Vikings launched sustained raids on the
Continent. Their aim was to acquire portable wealth: gold and, especially,
silver. By al...
The (Data) Science Behind Digital Heritage
Digital engagement is beyond posting the odd picture of an artefact, as we
learnt in our final practical session in Digital Heritage at Durham
University. ...
O direito a ter um nome: Laros, senhor do Além
*A Françoise Le Roux*
*In Memoriam*
Na península do Morraço, existe um famoso sítio arqueológico de "época
galaico-romana" conhecido como santuário do Fa...
Savage Minds is dead! Long live anthro{dendum}!
This will be the last post on the domain, but the site will
live on. It will live on both at this address ( where there
Desde hace más de una década, el área de arqueología de la IMF-CSIC viene
organizando una serie de seminarios anuales sobre tecnología prehistóri...
A female viking warrior
I am a bit late with this blog, since most of the bloggers have already
reacted to the news that a Viking warrior from Birka is actually a woman.
Toponímia maior da comarca de Arçúa
A comarca de Arçúa (graf. isolac. *Arzúa*) limita a norte com as terras de
*Ordens* e *Betanços*, a leste com a *Terra de Melide*, a oeste com a
comarca ...
pictures from the dig
Trench 3 in the southern part of the building, facing the church.
The surface is swept before the 3D-shooting
The first piece of a volute iron spiral d...
Greget! Restoran Ini Pakai iPad Sebagai Piring
San Fransisco memang dikenal sebagai gudangnya teknologi. Kota yang
terletak di sebelah utara California ini memang punya Silicon Valley,
kawasan dimana r...
MORE FOOTPRINTS! Stepping into The Past
The discovery of 13,000-year-old footprints on a remote island in western
Canada indicates that people were living on the Pacific Coast during the
Clovis p...
The Irish Lithic Landscape Project: A raw material provenancing project
integrating geochemical and petrographic analysis of material for
prehistoric Ire...
Grand Challenges for Global Brain Sciences
The next grand challenges for society and science are in the brain
sciences. A collection of 60+ scientists from around the world, together
with 10+ obse...
Syrian Antiquities
It seems to me that there is a growing emphasis on the damage being
sustained to the archaeological record in Syria, but little on the
solutions to prevent...
Update and The Beauty of Post-Mortem Photography
So things have been a little quiet here at Bones Don’t Lie… but exciting
things have been happening! I’m now officially a Dr., I’ve moved to New
York, and ...
Armea, campaña de verano 2016
Un año más volvemos a Armea, donde continuaremos investigando los vestigios
de su pasado. Esta nueva campaña, posible gracias al convenio firmado entre
el ...
The Legend of Saint George and the Dragon
St. George and the Dragon. Raphael. St. George is a Christianised
representation of the mythic sun-horse that reflects the
inter-changeability of the h...
Maritime lives in Iron Age Britain
Dowload the pdf here. Iron Age coastal communities in England have been
poorly understood since the beginning of our discipline. This is mainly as
result o...
Anthropologies #21: Climate Change
Photo by Flickr user Erik Jackson. Original caption: “The Act on Climate
March in Quebec City, on April 11th, 2015, was led by First Nations to
protest g...
Curso Documentación 3D en Arqueología
Buenas tardes, os informamos del nuevo curso teórico-práctico que
organizamos sobre «», impartido por David Vacas Madrid. Tendrá lugar los
días 26, 27 y 30...
Acta est fabula : les actes sont publiés
Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer que les actes du colloque d’ERAMA
‘Mises en scène de l’autorité » viennent d’être publiés aux éditions de
Boccard ...
*Celtic papers CFP for Leeds*
Are you working on a project that would make a good session or single ...
How To Be an Academic
I began this blog as a newly graduated MSc student (Master of science! How
exciting!), fresh-faced and enthusiastic about a life in academia. Soon it
will ...
Questionnaire: Blogging about archaeology
Dear readers: Fleur Schinning of Leiden University in the Netherlands is
researching the use of blogs and social media within archaeology as
outreach metho...
El oro de Salave. (I) un poco de historia
The Salave gold. (I) A short history Pocos proyectos mineros han resultado
tan controvertidos en su desarrollo como el de Salave (Tapia de Casariego,
Kite aerial photography travels around Scotland
Things have been a little quite here on the aerial photography front while
I was on leave from my PhD on a work placement (which was fantastic but
An Update from the Editors
* Below, you’ll find the letter we sent to our subscribers at the end of
last year, which explains our hiatus these past few months. Although *The
Colloque : Figures mythiques et discours religieux
Colloque international à l’Université de Strasbourg, 20 et 21 novembre 2014
. « Figures mythiques et discours religieux dans l’empire gréco-romain »
Past Past Thinking?
Past Thinking was my first blog, way back in 2005. Eventually I decided to
focus on posts relating to archaeology and wider heritage issues, splitting
off ...
Web berria! / ¡Nueva web!
¡Nos hemos mudado! A partir de ahora podéis encontrar toda la información
sobre Arkeogazte y nuestras actividades en la siguiente página web:
Gästbloggar på Vetenskapsrådets nättidning Curie
Om du blivit bloggbiten är det inte lätt att blir frisk - på sin höjd kan
man försöka hantera sitt missbruk så att det ...
Picant pedra s’acomiada
Després de tres anys funcionant, el blog Picant pedra atura la seva
activitat a, però podeu continuar seguint de prop l’ICAC a la
web www.icac....
2 años y aquí seguimos
Logotipo de Xeitura
Desde hace unas semanas me gusta ver «Wheeler Dealers» por las noches, en
ese canal tan maldito desde que el año pasado estrenó «Ameri...
El médico mago de los faraones (Egipto)
En los confines áridos de Abusir, a unos 27 kilómetros al sur de El Cairo,
se alzan las pirámides olvidadas. No solían recibir las hordas de
visitantes ...
Walk this way
Nowadays most of my job is being done from behind a desk while using a
computer, but now and then I get to go out on a hike in the cultural
landscape whisl...
Boring Some Strangers
RTE are doing a new reality show called Away With a Stranger. Basically,
you have to go away on a free holiday with three other people. You arrange
the iti...
Marriage Alliances and Cross Cousins
In a previous post on eastern Indonesia, I noted that cross cousin marriage
is common throughout the area, pointing to some kind of prehistoric
A new site
Well, I think this site has just about run its course. But you can still
find me on Savage Minds, and of course at the anthropologies project.
Last Post
I'm pretty sure this will be the last post to this blog. I'm not going to
delete it but I think I should advertise the fact that I no longer use it
to com...
II Concurso de Blogs - Quiero votos!!
Este año he decidido registrar este Blog en el II Concurso de Blogs,
organizado por la Universidad Alcalá, el Instituto Cervantes, Google,
Madrid Network-C...
A Lucenza do Abade
Despois de cinco anos chegamos á entrada número 1000 neste blogue
arqueoneixon. A derradeira. Moitas grazas a todos os que seguistes este
proxecto na red...
Carta Arqueológica de Portugal
Ensaios preliminares e testes de uma *Carta Arqueológica de Portugal *
Sítios Arqueológicos da Base de Dados *Endovélico* em 22 Set 2012, excepto
se especi...
abstract Zuckerman
The Life, Death and Long After-life of a Canaanite Temple Sharon Zuckerman
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem The phenomenon of conservatism and
"Longa Noite de Pedras" Viernes 31 de agosto
Finalmente (parece que el buen tiempo está vez nos va a acompañar), la
visita nocturna a los petroglifos de Bamio será este *VIERNES 31 DE AGOSTO.*
E-pigraphia en el portal de blogs Hypotheses
Con el inminente inicio del nuevo curso académico, el blog E-pigraphia:
Epigrafía en Internet va a estar alojado, de ahora en adelante, en el
portal de blo...
Cambio de sitio
Hola a todos, quería comunicaros que a partir de ahora, todas las entradas
del blog se escribirán en el sitios de contenidos web
Espero que...
Xa pechamos a derradeira caixa de cartón e mudámonos!!
Este blogue, ao igual que o resto de plataformas de comunicación do
Laboratorio de Arqueoloxía d...
A boa "alquimia" en Taramundi (II)
Aquí deixámosvos os links ás fotos das *I Jornadas de Metalurgia
Prehistórica de Taramundi*, organizadas polo* Ceder Oscos-Eo*, coa
colaboración do *Ayunt...
Relatório de actividades de 2011
Relatório de actividades de 2011
1. Edição, lançamento (na Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, no
dia 15 de Dezembro de 2011) e dist...
2011-2012 opened books on my desk
Silent, though I keep on my investigation upon the matters of archaeology
and cognitive science. I insisted and followed my first instinct, trying to
find ...
Por los trabajos de prospección arqueológica en diversos castros costeros y
observando que parte de sus defensas o hasta incl...
Landscapes: Drainage, Plants and Palaces
We're back! And this month we start by taking a tour of the terribly
glamorous ditches in East Anglia. Yes, the whole landscape is one giant
piece of drain...
* Ara inédita en Ourense
A principios do mes de marzo de 2025 faláronme dunha ara anepígrafe,
inédita, nun concello da provincia de Ourense. Esta ara sen inscrición, que
segundo ...
0020 - Seminário "Arqueologia e Identidade"
é um seminário que está a ser organizado pela Associação de Estudantes da
FLUP em...
Juegos y cantos de garganta del ártico
Juegos de garganta de los inuit y cantos de garganta siberianos: una
aproximación comparativa, histórica y semiológica (1)
Jean-Jacques Nattiez
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