segunda-feira, 1 de agosto de 2022

Praehistorische Zeitschrift Nº 97.1 2022

Prehistorische Zeitschrift 

Nº 97/1 2022



Aspects of a Bandkeramik settlement near Olteni in Transylvania pp. 1-21
Thomas Saile, Maciej Dębiec, Dan Buzea

The Eneolithic cemetery at Khvalynsk on the Volga River pp. 22-67
David W. Anthony, A. A. Khokhlov, S. A. Agapov, D. S. Agapov, R. Schulting, I. Olalde, D. Reich

Danish cult houses in north-western Germany? Rethinking the Funnel Beaker buildings of Flögeln and Hainmühlen, District of Cuxhaven
pp. 68-89
Moritz Mennenga

Flax seeds from Neolithic and Bronze Age pile-dwelling sites in Europe pp. 90-109
Sabine Karg

Worship or weight? A Bronze Age ‘goddess with a necklace’ 
from River Tollense (NE Germany) pp. 110-129
Thomas Terberger, Ronald Borgwardt, Joachim Krüger, 
Sebastian Lorenz, Jens-Peter Schmidt, Lorenz Rahmstorf

Anthropomorphised warlike beings with horned helmets: Bronze Age Scandinavia, Sardinia, and Iberia compared pp. 130-158
Helle Vandkilde, Valentina Matta, Laura Ahlqvist, Heide W. Nørgaard

The use of statistical models to determine the age of the deceased and the issue of children’s graves identified by the models as adult burials. Based on the example of burials of Tarnobrzeg Lusatian Culture 
pp. 159-178
Wojciech Rajpold

Gesellschaftlicher Wandel in der frühen Eisenzeit im Lichte neuer Siedlungsgrabungen in Schlesien pp. 179-194
Ewa Bugaj, Bogusław Gediga

The tradition of pottery painting in the Upper Silesian-Lesser Polish regional group of the Lusatian culture in the Early Iron Age. The example of the cemetery at Dobrzeń Mały, Opole district. pp. 195-218
Małgorzata Markiewicz, Eugeniusz Tomczak


Erratum to: The tradition of pottery painting in the Upper Silesian-Lesser Polish regional group of the Lusatian culture in the Early Iron Age.
 The example of the cemetery at Dobrzeń Mały, Opole district. 
pp. 219-219
Małgorzata Markiewicz, Eugeniusz Tomczak

Goldobjekte und Goldgruppen – Untersuchungen und Analysen zum latènezeitlichen Goldfingerring von Nackenheim, Lkr. Mainz-Bingen 
pp. 220-238
Sebastian Fürst, Martin Schönfelder, Nicole Lockhoff

Die mittel- und spätlatènezeitlichen Nekropolen in Desa, jud. Dolj, Rumänien. Beiträge zu dem Bestattungswesen in der Region 
des Eisernen Tores. Teil 1. pp. 239-264
Emilian Teleaga, Florin Ridiche, Mihai Constantinescu, 
Adrian Bălășescu, Virgil Apostol, Leonard Ionescu

"Feuerböcke“ der jüngeren Vorrömischen Eisenzeit im Milieu der Zarubincy-Kultur pp. 265-274
Vasile Iarmulschi

Human Skeletons, Grave Goods and Textual Sources: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Southwestern Switzerland’s Late Iron Age Communities through  the Study of their Funerary Rites pp. 275-290
Tobias Hofstetter, Jocelyne Desideri, François Mariéthoz, Marie Besse

Glass and faience in the territory of Poland in the 2nd–1st millennium BC: production technology, origin and incoming directions pp. 291-312
Tomasz Purowski

Gothic migrations: In search of the truth pp. 313-323
Andrzej Kokowski

Early medieval glass smoothers as a manifestation of the spread of Christianity in Mainland Europe pp. 324-343
Martin Ježek, Jan Zavřel

Weichenstellerinnen – ein Blick hinter die Kulissen der Fachdisziplin Vorgeschichte zwischen 1918–1939 pp. 344-361
Gunter Schöbel


Nachruf auf Otto Braasch pp. 362-365
Baoquan Song, Klaus Leidorf

Stefanie Samida, 2021, Molekularbiologie und Archäologie. Eine ungewöhnliche Beziehung (Wien, Berlin). pp. 366-369
Daniela Hofmann

Mircea Babeș, Vasile Iarmulschi, Așezarea și necropola de tip Poienești-Lucașeuca de la Borosești. Biblioteca Tyragetia XXXII (Chișinău 2020). pp. 370-371
Sergiu Matveev

A. Harding, Bronze Age Lives. Münchner Vorlesungen zu 
Antiken Welten 6 (Berlin, Boston 2021) pp. 372-372
Martin Rundkvist

Laerke Recht, Katarzyna Zeman-Wiśniewska (eds), Animal Iconography in the Archaeological Record. New Approaches, New Dimensions. Equinox Publishing Ltd (Sheffield, Bristol 2021). pp. 373-375
Paulina Suchowska-Ducke


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