sábado, 14 de novembro de 2015

Ethnographisch-Archaeologische Zeitschrift Nº 56

Ethnographisch-Archaeologische Zeitschrift 

Nº 56 - 2015


Editorial pp. 11-12  

Research papers

Caribou Hunting in Alpine West Greenland. 
An Archaeological Investigation pp. 65-91
Volker Neubeck, Clemens Pasda

Prehistoric Dairy Farming in the Alps pp. 92-134
Thomas Reitmaier, Daniel Moeckli

Mobile Pastoralists in Archaic Southern Italy? 
The Use of Social and Material Evidence for 
the Detection of an Ancient Economy pp. 135-164
Christian Heitz

A Reconsideration of Building Techniques of Iron Age 
Tumuli in Western Europe pp. 165-184
Matthias Meinecke

Military and Social Organization Interdependence, 
Co-evolution, Archaeological Verification pp. 185-204
Matthias Jung

The Production of Liminal Places – An Interdisciplinary 
Account pp. 205-242
Jan Johannes Ahlrichs, Kai Riehle, 
Nurzat Sultanalieva

Projectiles for Kids – New Evidence of Child and Youth Versions 
of Magdalenian Osseous Points from the Teufelsbrücke Cave Site (Thuringia, Germany)  pp. 243-254
Sebastian J. Pfeifer

Provocation & Response

EAZ Debate – The Future of Theory in Archaeology
 – Position Statements 2017 pp. 13-15
Ulrich Veit

Archaeology as the future of past subjects 
pp. 16-21
Reinhard Bernbeck

The future of theory in archaeology after the 
radiocarbon revolution pp.  22-26
Svend Hansen

"A young (wo)man's game?" - Sceptical observations 
from theoretical retirement pp. 27-30
Heinrich Haerke

Theory has to be pp. 31-35
Daniela Hofmann

An archaeology of ideas pp. 36-38
Cornelius Holtorf

Happy theory - gaya teoria. Four aphorisms 
pp. 39-44
Thomas Meier

Bridging the Gaps – Theoretical Archaeology and 
Historical Archaeology pp. 45-49
Ulrich Mueller

Where is the basic research? pp. 50-53
Raimund Karl

Theory? A dialogue pp.54-59
Stefanie Samida, Manfred K. H. Eggert

The theorist as a spoilsport? Or: News from 
the sixth continent pp. 60-64
Ulrich Veit


Obituary of Guenter Guhr (1924-2016) pp. 295-301
Bernhard Gramsch, Lydia Icke-Schwalbe

Obituary of Hans-Joachim Doelle (1936-2016) pp. 302-305
Achim Leube

Obituary of Gabriele Mante (1971-2016) pp. 306-311
Holger Groenwald

Expedition and excavation reports

First Results of Archaeological Investigations Conducted 
at Laloi East, Greater Accra Region, Ghana pp. 255-274
Fritz Biveridge

Assessing the Bui Dam Salvage Archaeology Project and 
Cultural Heritage of Impact Communities  pp. 275-294
David Akwasi Mensah Abrampah, Wazi Apoh, Kodzo Gavua, 
Mark Henry Freeman, Samuel Amartey, 
David Tei-Mensah Adjartey, George Anokye

Book reviews and Annotations

Sonja Schäfer, Der Prähistoriker Gustav Schwantes (1881-1960). 
Leben und Werk im Kontext zeitgeschichtlichen und fachlichen 
Wandels. Universitätsforschungen zur Prähist. Arch. 
263. Bonn 2015: Habelt,  pp. 312-317
Ulrich Veit

Friedrich Laux, Die Lanzenspitzen in Niedersachsen. 
Mit einem Beitrag zu den Lanzenspitzen in 
Westfalen von Jan-Heinrich Bunnefeld. Prähist. 
Bronzefunde V, 4. Stuttgart 2012: Franz Steiner 
pp. 318-320
Svend Hansen

Mária Novotná, Die Vollgriffschwerter in der Slowakei. 
Prähistorische Bronzefunde IV, 18. Stuttgart 2014: 
Franz Steiner. pp. 321-324
Svend Hansen

Dragana Antonović, Kupferzeitliche Äxte und Beile 
in Serbien. Prähistorische Bronzefunde IX, 27.
 Stuttgart 2014: Franz Steiner. pp. 325-328
Svend Hansen

Julian Winiker, Die bronzezeitlichen Vollgriffschwerter 
in Böhmen. Mit einem Beitrag von Harry Wüstemann und 
Bernhard Sicherl. Prähistorische Bronzefunde IV, 19. 
Stuttgart 2015: Franz Steiner. pp. 329-331
Svend Hansen

Mischa Meier & Steffen Patzold (Hrsg.), Chlodwigs Welt. 
Organisation von Herrschaft um 500. Roma æterna 3.
 Stuttgart 2014: Franz Steiner. pp. 332-339
Matthias Hardt

Manfred K. H. Eggert & Dirk Seidensticker, Campo: Archaeological Research at the Mouth of the Ntem River (South Cameroon). Africa Praehistorica 31. Köln 2016: Heinrich-Barth-Institut pp. 340-342
Alexandre Livingstone Smith

Philipp W. Stockhammer & Hans Peter Hahn (Hrsg.), Lost in Things. Fragen an die Welt des Materiellen. Tübinger Archäologische Taschenbücher 12. Münster/New York 2015: Waxmann, pp. 343-346
Miguel John Versluys

Ir ao número da revista: EAZ Nº 56, 1/2 - 2015