sexta-feira, 22 de maio de 2015

Homenagem a Fergus Kelly - videos

One day law conference in honour of Professor Fergus Kelly

28 Junho

Thomas Charles-Edwards (University of Oxford) - Bretha Comaithchesa and Early Irish Farming

Fangzhe Qiu (University College Cork) - The traditionalisation of early Irish law

Neil McLeod (Murdoch University, Australia) - Removal on Sick-Maintenance: when did it cease?

Paul Russell (University of Cambridge) - Welsh and Latin in medieval Welsh law

Morfydd Owen (Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies, Aberystwyth) - Medieval Welsh cows, calves, bulls and oxen

Liam Breatnach (Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies) - The law of the church in Bretha Nemed Toísech

Huw Pryce (University of Bangor) - Nineteenth-century receptions of medieval Welsh law

Jaqueline Bemmer (University of Oxford) - Nuances of immunity and permitted violence: interpreting quotations with glosses and commentary from the cairde-text

Fergus Kelly's retirement speech

+INFO no site do: DIAS